Renovation Secrets
Renovation Secrets
Experience says it ALL
We speak with 35 year veteran of the kitchen and bath industry Anastasia Rentos CMKBD, from the Toronto ON area. Our conversation covers best practices, learning the trade, relationships with clients and contractors, certifications and so much more.
As a long time successful kitchen and bath expert Anastasia bring so much value to this industry AND her clients.
You can contact Anastasia on her website here
Part of our conversation lead to CLIPP certification and for more information you can check out the Living In Place website here
A must attend virtual event the LIVable Environment Conference, October 28 -30, 2020 click here to register!
Sneak Peak (The event organizer, Linda Kafka, will be our guest on our next episode)
As always you can receive a FREE copy of my Inside Renovations e-book by sending me a email to natalia@detailbydesign.ca
My website is detailbydesign.ca
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